Where The People Will Lead,
      The Leaders Will Follow
Grassroots Groups working for Peace in Palestine.


Christian Peacemaker Teams
Mennonites, American Friends (Quakers), and others who go to The Middle East, Latin America and other troubled places around the world to bear witness and place themselves between contesting factions.

Bat Shalom
Israeli women's group that works for peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors with recognition of a Palestinian state. Their Women in Black vigils were nominated for the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize. The Jerusalem Link is a coalition effort with Marcaz al-Quds la l-Nissah, the Jerusalem Center for Women, a Palestinian organization located in East Jerusalem.

Rabbis for Human Rights
A wide spectrum of Jewish religious leaders involved in efforts such as blocking government bulldozers from demolishing homes built by Palestinians.

Gush Shalom
An "extra-parliamentary" coalition of peace groups that coordinates protest actions, political goals for the movement and addresses the national consensus within Israel.

Compassionate Listening Project
An American Jewish group from the Seattle, Wa area that organizes peacemaking tips to the Middle East centered around "Compassionate Listening", a method of interacting with parties in conflict to reduce tension.

International Solidarity Movement to Free Palestine A group with American, European, and Middle Eastern participants.

Yesh Gvul
Supports Israeli military personnel who cannot in good conscience obey orders that they consider immoral or illegal.